A list of phone numbers that could come in handy during the storm.
All Emergencies 911
United Illuminating: 800-722-5584
Yankee Gas: 877-944-5325
Valley Chapter Red Cross 203-735-9518
CL&P: 800-286-2000
Ansonia Police: 203-735-1885
Ansonia DPW: 203-736-5945
Derby Police: 203-735-7811
Derby Public Works: 203-736-1468
Seymour Police: 203-881-7600
Seymour DPW: 203-735-5838
Shelton Police: 203-924-1544
Shelton DPW: 203-924-9277
Oxford Police: 203-888-4353
Oxford DPW: 203-888-7716