Quality Of Life Concerns Is An Issue In Derby

In 2009, as America was at an extremely low point facing a major financial crisis, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company commissioned a survey on quality of life issues. 

The results were encouraging as Americans indicated they valued quality of life issues more than their money, their careers and material possessions.

Greg Oberland, Northwestern Mutual’s chief insurance officer said, What we’re seeing is a shift in focus. Thinking back, the 90s was a time of consumption and credit, whereas today people are placing the most value on immaterial things that positively impact their personal and family life. In contrast, material things, such as having nice belongings’ and owning the home of your dreams,’ rank low among their measures of success.”

Despite the economic uncertainty we continue to live in today, public safety and quality of life issues are becoming more and more valued, particularly in Derby.

As I knock on the doors of the voters of Derby, public safety and quality of life concerns seem to be the major focus day after day. With the highest crime rate in the Valley, public safety in Derby is obviously a valid concern.

As the Mayor of Derby, I intend to work diligently to alleviate any such concerns. 

I would propose to reinstitute the foot patrol of police officers in high crime areas, particularly in the downtown area when local bars are closing. My proposal would require police officers to stop, walk and talk to citizens for a certain time allotment during each shift.

A police presence in high crime areas will certainly deter any criminal activity.

My administration would also actively explore any and all avenues to secure grants to install cameras on public property to further prevent crime.

I will also encourage the growth and expansion of existing Neighborhood Crime Watches while also promoting the establishment of new ones. 

I intend to meet monthly with the police department to discuss any concerns.

I will also actively enforce existing ordinances to hold landlords and business owners financially responsible for police officers being called to their rentals or establishments for reoccurring problems. 

Financial penalties imposed on landlords and business owners will force them to assume accountability, and thus, ultimately reduce crime in our city.

My administration will also take the necessary action to have bathrooms installed at the Witek Park soccer fields. Instances of children being left with no alternative other than to use the surrounding woods to relieve themselves is simply unacceptable.

I was born and raised in this great city. I worked here and chose to raise my family in Derby.

Now that I am retired, I’m still proud to call Derby my home. I have a genuine interest in turning the City of Derby around so it is once again the envy of the Valley.

The writer is running as a Democrat for Derby mayor.

Editor’s note: The Valley Indy welcomes guest columns’ from those running for local office. We take each submission on a case-by-case basis. We’ll print up to two a month per candidate. We ask that the columns offer positions and solutions, as opposed to simply criticizing an opponent. We insist on a 500-word limit. If a political opponent takes issue with a guest column, responses are encouraged in our comment section. We encourage candidates to register with Facebook with your first and last name to post a response here. We will not post your responses for you.

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