September Events At The Ansonia Nature Center

From the Ansonia Nature Center, 10 Deerfield Rd, Ansonia Ct 06401

To register for all events please call 203 736 1053.

SEPTEMBER Calendar of Events 

NATURE EXPLORERS – Wednesdays, Aug. 21, 28; Sept. 4, 11; 10 am
Join us for this 4 week pre-school/toddler program for children ages 2 – 5 and their adult explorer. Participants will have fun exploring nature every week in these outdoor classes. The classes are typically loosely structured and influenced by the seasons and the interests of the children. We will go outside for a short hike and to explore nature every class so please dress for the weather. Classes will end with a light snack (provided or bring your own) and conversation. TUITION: $40 for all 4 weeks, space permitting (cash or check payable to Ansonia Nature Center), due at the first class. Class is limited to 10 children. Please call to register

THEMED GUIDED HIKE: Goldenrod Jungle – Sun. Sept. 8, 1 pm
For all nature enthusiasts! Enjoy a walk through the park’s fields and vast Goldenrod Jungle. You’ll be amazed at the diversity of insects, spiders, and birds that depend on this unique habitat for survival. FREE guided hikes every Sunday at 1 pm.

FALL TERM JUNIOR RANGERS – Thursdays, Sept. 12 – Oct. 31, 3:30 – 5 pm
Calling all kids 11 to 14 years old who love nature! Has your child wanted to work with animals, garden, help maintain our trails, and help with special events? This is the opportunity to help the Nature Center in our 8‑week after-school program. Parental permission is required. Class size is limited; this class fills up fast! FREE.

FULL HARVEST MOON HIKE – Sat. Sept. 14, 7:30 – 9:30 pm
This year, the September full Moon is called the Harvest Moon. Unlike other full Moon names, the Harvest Moon is tied to an astronomical event: the autumnal equinox. The full Moon that falls nearest to the equinox takes on the name Harvest Moon”. This Moon provides the most light at the time when it’s needed to complete the harvest. FEE: $3 per person. Please wear appropriate footwear.

BIRDS ON THE MOVE – Sat. Sept. 28, 8 am
Join environmental educator and conservationist Sophie Zyla for this informative family friendly program on migratory birds. She will concentrate on the end-of-summer journeys taken by our flying friends” to faraway places each year. Find out who’s going and who’s staying put! FREE.


Creature Features – Saturdays, 12 noon 
Come to meet our furry, scaly, and feathery animal ambassadors. You’ll have the chance to touch and hold them in this FREE family program for all ages.
Sunday Guided Hikes – Sundays, 1 pm
Join a Nature Center guide on Sunday afternoons for fun, exercise, and learning about our trails! See the above listings for hikes with a specific theme.
Family Organic Garden Program – Tuesdays, Sept. 3, 10, 17, 24; 3:30 – 5 pm
ANC will be continuing family-friendly activities in our organic garden. Learn about growing a variety of fruits and vegetables. Dress appropriately; keep in mind you will get water and soil on your clothing. FREE, with the potential to take home fresh produce!
Fiber Arts Group – Tuesdays starting Sept. 3, 6 pm
Get together with others to work on your fiber arts projects! Bring any kind of fiber work — knitting, felting, crocheting, etc. A great way to dedicate time to your handiwork and socialize too. FREE.

We’re starting a newsletter. Click here to sign up!