Adelina “Lulu” Barreira
Adelina “Lulu” Barreira is an 11-year-old sixth grader at Seymour Middle School who wanted to do something to help people.
So one afternoon she decided she would host a “sock drive.”
The goal — collect 500 pairs of new socks to donate to those in need.
“Lulu’s Socktober Fest” ran from Oct. 1 until Oct. 31.
There were collection boxes at some of the schools, the Seymour recreation department, and places of business.
Friends and family dropped off or mailed packages of socks from in and out of state and — after amazing donations from Walgreens, Gildan, Peds, Skater Socks and McGregor Socks — she crushed her initial goal and will have somewhere around 3,000 pairs of new socks to distribute.
She has already delivered over 425 pairs to My Sister’s Place in Ansonia and other recipients will include Spooner House in Shelton, Bridgeport Rescue Mission, and a special selection of soft socks for cancer care packages made for patients going through treatment.
This experience has shown her that anyone can help, and that one person definitely can make a difference.
She looks forward to making this an annual drive and being able to help the community again.
(This was written and submitted by Lulu’s mom, Tanya Shultz)
The news is always negative, you say.
“Where are the positive stories?” you ask.
Well, that’s why The Valley Indy teamed with the Valley Council for Health and Human Services to present “Valley Youth Making A Difference.”
We know we’re missing good stories about our young people every day. The fact is we need you to share those stories.
For more information, and to nominate a young person, click this link.