Staffieri: Foley Owes Derby An Apology

As Mayor, I can assure the citizens of Derby that the statement, Derby is one of Connecticut’s 10-worst cities for violent crime”, made by my opponent in a recent mailing, is untrue, misleading, and a disservice to our community. 

These 2004 figures, used in a 2008 report, were pulled from the Internet at Please go see for yourself.

The best place to research crime statistics is at

On this site they explain, This web page provides access to publications and summary data from Crime In Connecticut — the annual publication of the Connecticut Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, maintained by the Connecticut State Police Crime Analysis Unit.” 

Look around this site too and you’ll find that the violent crime rate in 2009 in Derby was 51.14% BELOW the National rate and 29.75% BELOW the State rate. Furthermore, comparing Derby’s statistics from the first six months in 2010 to the first six months in 2011, you’ll see a 50% reduction. 

Since becoming Mayor I have worked with former Police Chiefs Cota and Mascolo, and current Police Chief, Gerald Narowski, to modernize our police force. 

I went before the Board of Aldermen and the Tax Board last year, together with Chief Narowski, and we convinced those Boards that it was necessary to approve and fund a police dog to help with criminal activity in certain neighborhoods. This was an extraordinary request made outside of the usual Police Budget. A dog has been purchased, trained, and is now serving Derby as our newest Police officer”. The dog is named Bear.

In fact, since day one I have worked with the Board of Aldermen, the Tax Board, and the Capital Planning Commission to insure that the police have the tools necessary to allow them to do their job effectively.

For example, just this year Capital Planning gave the Police 2 new police cruisers, a CAD upgrade, and some software upgrades.

Our training programs for our officers are second to none. Our officers are equipped with the best equipment available. Our police department is technologically adequate in today’s world of police service. 

We have as strong a leadership team in our Police Department as anywhere and our officers are superb public servants and protectors of our society. 

Next time you see a Derby Police Officer, stop him/her and introduce yourself. You will be pleased at their dedication, their intelligence, and their knowledge. They are as well trained officers, not only within the Valley, but the State as a whole. Our most recent graduate of the Police Academy was first in his class. 

I believe my opponent, Mr. Foley, owes the Police Department and the people of Derby an apology. 

The writer is a Republican running for re-election as Derby’s mayor.

Editor’s note: The Valley Indy welcomes guest columns’ from those running for local office. We take each submission on a case-by-case basis. We’ll print up to two a month per candidate. We ask that the columns offer positions and solutions, as opposed to simply criticizing an opponent. We insist on a 500-word limit. If a political opponent takes issue with a guest column, responses are encouraged in our comment section. We encourage candidates to register with Facebook with your first and last name to post a response here. We will not post your responses for you.

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