In these trying times, it is heartening to experience how local organizations and businesses come together for the children living in the Valley.
During 2012, TEAM’s Toys 4 Kids, provided over 3,000 toys for 1,486 children of 771 families, in addition also distributed were over 200 bicycles donated by the employees and customers of Neopost USA.
Individuals dropped off toy donations in collection boxes at 127 sites in a variety of businesses and municipal locations. Toys were collected during community public events held by business owners, police and fire departments, emergency medical technicians; and from office holiday parties.
Volunteers picked up toys and delivered them to our “toy store” on Main Street in Ansonia. Other volunteers set up the toy store, sorted the toys and organized them by age and gender. Volunteers also assisted parents as they “shopped” for their free toys to give to their children for the holiday. Restaurants donated food for toy store volunteers.
In all, hundreds of volunteers and kind-hearted Valley residents throughout the Valley helped make Toys 4 Kids a success for underprivileged children.
This type of community spirit is truly a miracle, especially during these difficult times. The generosity of Valley residents helps us in our fight against poverty and in our mission to offer help to disadvantaged families in a dignified and respectful way.
Thank you all who made the 2012 toy drive the best the Valley has experienced to date. It is our privilege to work with you and we look forward to serving the Valley in 2013.
Richard J. Knoll
Stephane Skibo
Chairman BOD
Diane Stroman
Vice President of Development