This Week In Valley History: 1962!

Image from Historic Mills of CT, illustration made with

From the Microfilm Machine at the Seymour Public Library, join reporter Jean Falbo-Sosnovich for a journey to the Valley in 1962!

Monday, Dec. 3, 1962

To Attend Congress
ANSONIA – Franklin Farrel, III, president of the Farrel-Birmingham Company, is among the industrial leaders planning to attend the annual three-day congress of American Industry Wednesday through Friday at the Waldorf Astoria, New York City.

Websters To Meet, Hold Work Party
ANSONIA – Members of the Webster Hose Company will attend a work night tonight at 7:30 o’clock at the company quarters. The company will meet Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in the hose house with Captain John Brady posting.

Christmas Party Planned By Elks
DERBY – The children’s Christmas party committee of the Derby Lodge of Elks met Sunday to address registration cards for members. Members are asked to list the number of children, through 10 years of age, who will attend the affair Dec. 16 at 2 p.m. in the lodge rooms. The program will include distribution of gifts by Santa Claus, refreshments and the showing of several cartoons.

4 Valley Gridders On All-State Team
VALLEY – Valley schoolboys were well represented on the Class B & C All-State football team announced Sunday. Derby’s fast-finishing Red Raiders landed a pair – halfback Bob Ahearn and guard Charley Roberts – while Seymour and Shelton placed one each on the 12-man club. The Wildcats are represented by tackle Fred Kukiel and the Gaels by end Jules Cayer.

Tuesday, Dec. 4, 1962

Dixon Heads Aldermanic Board
ANSONIA – William Dixon, Democratic alderman from the Third Ward, was unanimously elected president of the Board of Aldermen at the organizational meeting last night in City Hall. Dixon was re-elected to his second term as an alderman in November. He was nominated by Fourth Ward Alderman John Dempsey, seconded by First Ward Alderman Arthur Anglace. His term is for one year. 

Fund Wants Home, Service Addresses
DERBY – The Derby Service Men’s Fund again reminds parents or relatives of Derby men and women in the Armed Forces to mail their addresses to Post Office Box 25, Derby. They are asked to also include their home addresses.

Former Mayor Anthony Dirienzo, chairman of the fund, said today that it is imperative to have the addresses as early as possible in order to ensure the servicemen and women will receive the fund checks during the Christmas season.

Woman, 70, Hurt In Fall, Unnoticed For 17 Hours; Husband On Hunting Trip
SEYMOUR – Mrs. Lillian M. Shepard, 70, of 250 South Main St., was listed in fair condition today at Griffin Hospital being treated for a possible fractured hip.

Mrs. Shepard went out after supper Sunday evening to burn papers in the yard and suffered a fall. She remained in the yard unnoticed until yesterday when neighbors saw her lying on the ground. The police ambulance was summoned and took her to the hospital. Mrs. Shepard’s husband, Clarence, was on a hunting trip at the time.

According to police, the woman was not found for around 17 hours. 

Golebieski New Captain of Citizens
SEYMOUR – First Lieutenant John Golebieski was elected captain of the Citizens Engine Company at the annual election meeting last night at the hose house.

Other officers elected for the coming year were: John Smerkanicz, first lieutenant; James Stevens, second lieutenant; Gino Tosolini, engineer; Robert F. Smith, assistant engineer; Robert Kelo, secretary; Town Clerk Richard R. Pearson, treasurer; Raymond Marshall, steward and William F. Ablondi, trustee.

Wednesday, Dec. 5, 1962

Red Cross Spends $1,511 For Aid To Fire Victims
ANSONIA – George E. Thompson, chairman of the Lower Naugatuck Valley Chapter, American Red Cross, said today that a total of $1,511 had been expended for rehabilitation of Sunday’s fire victims. Mr. Thompson said that the figure does not include expenses incurred for shelter at the Star of Bethlehem Church.

He said that the money was spent for clothing and furniture for the families. Many were forced to flee without saving anything.

Septuagenarians Assail Each Other
DERBY – A 74-year old Derby man and a 73-year old Ansonia man have been summoned to Circuit Court Dec. 17 on charges of assault and breach of peace following an argument Tuesday afternoon shortly after 5 o’clock in the Thaddeus Kosciuszko Club, East Main and Colburn Streets.

Arrested by Police Officer Frederick D. Hummel, Sr., were Charles Zybort, 74, of 12 Clark Ave., Derby and Walter Kozen, 73, of 98 East Main St., Ansonia. 

Both men required treatment at Griffin Hospital Emergency Room, Mr. Zybort for a mouth injury and Mr. Kozan for lacerations of the forehead and ring finger of the left hand.

Hospital Topped Patient Record
DERBY – Yesterday’s census of patients at Griffin Hospital topped its highest mark. There were 211 patients registered, topping the 196 high figure reached two weeks ago. The hospital’s normal patient capacity is 186.

Sign Contract For Athletic Fields At SHS
SEYMOUR – Norman L. Ray, chairman of the School Building Committee, announced today that a contract has been signed with the B.N. Beard Company of Shelton to build two athletic fields for $18,000 on the grounds of the new senior Seymour High School.

The baseball field will be 380 feet along the foul lines from home plate to the end of the outfield. The infield will consist of a grass area with the skinned portion of the diamond to be a mixture of sand and clay and calcium chloride to prevent loam from blowing away and keep grass from growing.

The football field will have an area of 550 feet by 240 feet with a 200-foot area around the field for future development as a track. 

Work is expected to start next week and to be completed in May.

Thursday, Dec. 6, 1962

Farrel Old Timers’ Annual Party Tonight
ANSONIA – The annual Christmas party of the Old Timers’ Club at Farrel Birmingham Company will take place tonight at 7 o’clock at Actors’ Colony Inn, Seymour. Louis G. Enderien, president, will be toastmaster. Officers for the ensuing year will be elected. 

Democrats Refuse To Attend Special Aldermanic Meeting Republicans Called On Izzo
DERBY – Republican members of the Board of Aldermen were stymied in their attempt to pass a motion to have Ralph Izzo, discharged Public Works Department employee, reinstated when their Democratic confreres refused to return to the aldermanic chamber for a special board meeting following the close of the public hearing held at the request of Mr. Izzo. Mr. Izzo was appealing the decision of the salary committee of the board on his suspension by Public Works Commissioner Americo Cornachini last September. Mr. Izzo was later fired by the commissioner. 

Name Benanto Frosh Coach
Joseph Benanto, a member of the Bradley School faculty, was named freshman basketball coach by the Board of Education last night.

Kevin P. White, chairman, said that Mr. Benanto’s selection was unanimous. The only other applicant for the position was Michael Ippolito. 

Benanto, a former Derby High School and Connecticut State College hoop star, is also assistant baseball coach. 

Seymour Couple
SEYMOUR – Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cweklinsky, who were married Dec. 1 at 10:15 a.m. in St. Augustine’s Chuch, are making their home at 142 Washington Ave. Mrs.Cweklinsky is the former Miss Judith Nikituk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Nikituk of Bellevue Terrace. Mr. Cweklinsky is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Cweklinksy, Sr., of 152 Washington Ave.

Friday, Dec. 7, 2024

National Guard Unit Here To Become Rifle Company
ANSONIA – Ansonia’s National Guard unit, the Combat Support Company of the First Battle Group of the 102nd Infantry, will remain in this city in the reorganization of the National Guard in Connecticut but will become a rifle company, Brig. Gen. James M. Quinn, assistant adjutant general of the state, told the Sentinel today.

The unit will also be increased from 109 to 139 officers and enlisted men, he said, with a decrease in officers and increased in enlisted men. The reorganized unit will likely be known as Company C of the new First Battle of the 102nd Infantry, Gen. Quinn said.

Larry Kieran Heads Storm Engine Company
DERBY – The Storm Engine Company elected officers and made four endorsements at the meeting last night in the company quarters. Officers elected are Larry Kieran, captain; William Lynch, first lieutenant; Warren Blake, second lieutenant; Kevin P. White, secretary; and the Right Rev. Monsignor John H. Quinn, chaplain. 

The company endorsed First Assistant Chief Engineer Richard T. Kieley for chief engineer of the Fire Department; John Donovan for third assistant chief; Clarence Douglass for superintendent of fire alarms, the post he now holds and Harry Gow, Jr., chief driver.

Music To Buy By At New Seymour First National
SEYMOUR – Shoppers in the new First National Store at 13 Seymour Plaza in Seymour, which opened Wednesday, will find aisle-strolling more pleasurable than ever, thanks to the Storecast system’s famous Music to Buy By.”

Designed to make shopping as friendly and intimate as the atmosphere to which Finast patrons are accustomed at home, the high-fidelity programs are a consumer service of Storecast, America’s largest supplier of background music exclusively for supermarkets.

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