This Week In Valley History!

This week in history!

From the digital files
of The Evening Sentinel, courtesy of The Ansonia Historical Commission.

Note: the summaries are paraphrased from the original Sentinel articles if parts of the original were unreadable.

Also, we’re stuck in the roaring twenties because that’s what’s available online.

Monday, Jan. 16, 1928

Grass Fire
ANSONIA — The Fountain Hose Company was called out yesterday afternoon for a grass fire at the end of Dwight Street when the residents became alarmed at the close proximity of the flames to their homes. A stiff wind was blowing at the time and for a while it looked as if the blaze might cause damage. With the assistance of the boys in the neighborhood, the fire was soon extinguished.

Rolling Skating Party
ANSONIA — An enjoyable skating party will be held at the roller skating rink of Walter Fitzsimmons in the opera house tomorrow night, and a big crowd is expected. Many novelties have been arranged for the evening and skaters are in for a merry time. Skating will be enjoyed from 7:30 o’clock until 10:30 o’clock.

No Smallpox Here
DERBY — Dr. Thomas F. Plunkett, local health officer, stated this morning that Derby was free from any traces of smallpox. The utmost precaution is being taken and doctors are on the lookout for any outbreak of the contagion in this city. Children who have not been vaccinated should have this attended to, Dr. Plunkett says, as the disease has been found to exist in various parts of Connecticut. 

Preaches First Sermon
SEYMOUR — Rev. Harold J. Edwards, new rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, preached his first sermon here yesterday morning, having arrived here with his wife and two sons last Thursday from Redding Ridge, this state.

Tuesday, Jan. 17, 1928

Complain of Hoodlums
ANSONIA — Residents of Derby hill, in the vicinity of the Elm Street School, have made complaints against a gang of hoodlums who hang out near the school property nightly, make themselves obnoxious and do considerable damage to the school premises. The fence about the school suffers most from the depredations of the hoodlums who have thus far broken more than 50 pickets. Police have been notified of then nightly goings on.

Paugassett’s Banquet at Hotel Clark Jan. 28th
DERBY — Announcement was made today and invitations sent out for the annual banquet of the Paugassett Hose Hook & Ladder Company, which is to be held Saturday evening, January 28th, at the Hotel Clark. This is a departure from former years, as the annual affair has always been held in the company’s headquarters on the east side.

Clubs Unite
SEYMOUR — The Home Economics Club and the Science Club met together yesterday in the high school assembly hall in order to hear Hyman Hendler give further information about birds. Material from the Audubon Society was also shown.

Wednesday, Jan. 18, 1928

$70 Vanishes from Reidy’s Lunch Cart
ANSONIA — Thieves entered Reidy’s Lunch Cart on Water Street sometime after midnight this morning and secured cash to the amount of about $70. The night clerk at the lunch cart, it was stated, placed the money taken from the cash register in a black bag which was hidden inside one of the gas toasters.

Have Handsome Signs
DERBY — Handsome new signs have been placed at the front entrances of the fire houses of the Storm Engine company and the Paugassett and the Hotchkiss Hose companies, under the direction of Fire Commissioner Joseph Purcella.

Bring Pies Early
SEYMOUR — All those making food for the Trinity Parish supper tomorrow night, especially those who are to provide pies, are asked to have their contributions at the parish house at 6 o’clock.

Thursday, Jan. 19, 1928

Burglars Throw Shoe Boxes Away in Ansonia
ANSONIA — The street department was called upon this morning to remove a lot of empty shoe boxes that had been dumped on North Main Street.

New Shoe Store Opens Saturday
DERBY — The Newark Shoe Store, one of a chain of 400 extending throughout the country, will be formally opened Saturday morning in the new Mott building on Elizabeth Street. The new store is the first to be opened in the building, the other store being made readied for occupancy for the JC Penny Company. 

Night Marauders Steal $1,200 Worth of Shoes this Morning
SEYMOUR — The second sensational store break and robbery of the week occurred in the lower Main Street section this morning. John Sarafin, proprietor of the National Shoe Company, at 25 Main Street, was the victim to the amount of 102 pairs of men’s high grade shoes, representing a cost to him of $1,200.

Have Baby Son
SEYMOUR — Mr. and Mrs. William B. Chamberlin, of Plainville, formerly of Seymour, are being congratulated on the birth of a baby boy, January 19th. The baby is grandchild to Mr. and Mrs. John Chamberlin of South Main Street and to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Osgood of Pearl Street.

Friday, Jan. 20, 1928

Choirs to Rehearse
ANSONIA — The weekly rehearsal of the junior choir of the Church of the Assumption will be held at 7 o’clock tonight. The senior choir will meet at 8 o’clock, full attendance being desired at both rehearsals.

To Open Restaurant
DERBY — Harry Ogle is preparing to open a restaurant and lunch room in the store next to Stapleton’s newsstand on Elizabeth Street. Painters are working on the interior and the furnishings are being installed.

Derby High School Notes
DERBY — The juniors have sent in their orders for class rings, and J. Schancupp has been awarded the order by the Class of 29. The rings will be fine ones, bearing on the top the school seal, and on the sides the numerals 1929. Delivery of the rings is expected within four weeks time.

Athletic Hop
SEYMOUR — It is expected that a large gathering of the younger element will assemble in Odd Fellows Hall tonight for the dance to be conducted by the Seymour High School Athletic Association. Ernest Culverwells’s Arcadians will furnish the music, assuring the dancers of the latest in song hits.

Keep local reporting alive.