Valley Goes Pink 2014 Schedule Of Events

The Valley Goes Pink is a grassroots, community-wide effort throughout the Lower Naugatuck Valley to:

  • Create awareness about breast cancer and the importance of early detection
  • Support the Hewitt Center for Breast Wellness at Griffin Hospital, and showcase partnering organizations all at the same time!

Mark your calendars, because throughout October 2014, Valley towns are invited to host a variety of unique fundraising events and marketing programs to raise awareness and support for the cause. From hosting Pink Parties in homes, to pinkifying” businesses with ribbons or lights, or hosting dress down days and auctions – the possibilities are endless!

(Info from the Valley Goes Pink website)

Help us make PINK 2014 the best year yet by attending one or more of these fun happenings:

September 29, 2014: Kickoff Event at Wellingtons – Our committee members wait on you, and all tips go to the cause. Make your reservations now for this event, which runs from 5:00 – 10:00 PM! Guests will receive a wine bag to collect donations during October that can be returned at closing event on 10/27. Wellingtons Restaurant, 51 Huntington Ave., Shelton, 203.929.0336.

October 2, 2014: Women Making a Difference in the Valley – The Valley Women’s Health Initiative is holding their 14th Annual Women Making a Difference in the Valley Award Luncheon to honor women’s contributions to the Valley and to raise money for the Valley Breast Fund at Griffin Hospital. 12:00 – 2:00 PM at Grassy Hill Lodge Sodom Lane, Derby. Tickets are $40.00. 203 – 732-1977.

October 5, 2014: Durante Family Brunch – This annual event, hosted by Anna and Ralph Durante, will be in honor of Jodi Salerno. Event begins at 11:30 at the Sons of Italy, 73 High Street, Derby. Prize drawings include a 50 inch smart TV. Tickets are $50.00. Contact Anna Durante for reservations at 203 – 305-3450.

October 9, 2014: Young Emerging Professionals’ 5th Annual Pinktoberfest – at Molto Bene Restaurant, 557 Wakelee Ave., Ansonia from 6:00 – 9:00 PM. Tickets are $40.00. The event will feature a variety of games, tastings, drawings, and more. To learn more, visit the Young Emerging Professionals at or phone 203 – 925-4981 for tickets.

October 13, 2014: Bingo for Boobies at Verace Restaurant – 6:00 – 9:00 PM. Located at 100 Center Street Shelton, CT. 203 – 924-2220. Tickets are $25.00 and include 4 Bingo cards and food will be provided. Cash bar. Contact Real Estate Two at 203 – 926-1122 for tickets.

October 15, 2014: BRA Day – Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day

October 16, 2014: Vazzy’s of Shelton Karaoke for Pink – Sing from 6:00 – 9:00 PM at Vazzy’s Cucina, 706 Bridgeport Ave., Shelton. Tickets are $20.00 and include food and a chance show off your talents! Cash bar. Karaoke by the one and only Billy Lopez. Contact Real Estate Two for reservations at 203 – 926-1122.

October 19, 2014: Making Strides Walk – Sponsored by the American Cancer Society – Griffin Hospital will have a table at this event.

October 25 – 26, 2014: Jones Farms Goes Pink – Jones Farms will sell pink bracelets and pink pumpkins from 11:00 – 4:00 PM daily throughout this prime” weekend before Halloween. Jones Farms, 606 Walnut Tree Hill Rd. Shelton –

October 27, 2014: Wine Tasting and Closing Event at Wellingtons – 6:00 – 9:00 PM. Tickets are $50.00 and include heavy hors d’oeuvres and samplings. Kickoff guests can also return their wine bags at this event. Contact Real Estate Two at 203 – 926-1122 for tickets.

Entire month of October:

  • Hawley Lane Shoes – will be holding a win/win style fundraiser. During the month of October all patrons who mention The Valley Goes Pink will receive 10% off their purchases, PLUS the company will give 10% of each purchase back to the Valley Goes Pink! This offer is good at all four locations: Stamford, Norwalk, Shelton, and Orange.

Can’t make any of the above events? Create your own!

Here are some creative ways you can Go Pink:”

  • Schools – Involvement in The Valley Goes Pink can be an empowering learning experience for everyone! Pink-Up your football game, decorate the school in pink, sell pink flowers or Griffin Hospital’s pink wristbands.
  • Corporations – Host a pot luck lunch at work and collect contributions at the door, organize a company-wide auction or host a dress down” day or dress in pink day.”
  • Restaurants – Designate a special drink or dish and donate the sales for a day, week, or month.
  • Libraries and Bookstores – Curate a series of programs, displays, or reading selections centering on breast cancer awareness and survivorship. Feature art by survivors in your gallery or host survivors and physicians to speak about their experience.
  • Clubs and Organizations – Pass the hat at your next club meeting, feature a Hewitt Center for Breast Wellness speaker, or organize the membership to create their own fundraising event.
  • Municipalities – Government can get into the Spirit of Pink” by decorating town greens and offices with pink ribbons, illuminating town buildings with pink lighting, and issuing proclamations for Pink Month.” All activities serve to promote downtown merchants and strengthen community pride.
  • Pink Products – Buy special pink products for sale at Griffin Hospital or sell our products at school, work, or in your neighborhood. The Griffin Hospital Pink Wristbands are priced at $1.

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