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A truck-only gantry in Rhode Island. Image taken in 2018.
On Tuesday I posted a link to a CT News Junkie about Democratic lawmakers possibly leaning toward installing tolls for tractor-trailers that traverse the state’s highways.
The story triggered a strong response from Valley Indy Facebook readers. Here are some of those reactions (I didn’t include replies to each individual comment. The replies are available in the original Facebook thread):
Tony Mammone: “No means no.”
Doug Kneissl: “First they came for 18 wheeler’s…. then buses…. then cars…. does anyone believe if approved it won’t be expanded?”
Floyd Pellegrino: “RI already lost in court on this why would we retry it here.”
Scott Ulman: “Cost of goods will go up more. We hardly have places hiring people in ct. we are #4 for most amount of people moving out of state. Keep on doing what your doing guys. Great JOB as you all have huge houses Nice cars Nice clothes and can afford this shut state.”
Mary Lane: “NO TOLLS!!!!!!!”
Thomas Schneider: “Yea all the gantries will be set up and in place then it’s just a matter of time before they include cars too.”
Joe Grabinski: “Our roads and infrastructure deserve the best. We deserve the best. We are not getting enough money back from the federal govt…where else will it come from…we cant cut anymore.”
Nick Santilli: “Let’s see if it lasts a year before we’re all paying tolls.”
Emory Thompson: “Lol. A) A toll on tractor trailers will have no appreciable effect on prices of goods. B ) Every other state in our area has tolls c ) even if the tolls effected more than just tractor trailers most Connecticut drivers (the vast majority) will be largely unaffected as we can reroute. The tolls will effect people passing through the most. D ) Roads are getting increasingly hard to pay for as vehicles become more efficient and proceeds from gas taxes remain flat. Infrastructure improvements are best paid for by those using the infrastructure.”
Patricia Young: “NO NO NO NO NO.”
Jeff McHugh: “Ugh thanks a lot TRUMP.”
Mary Bowen: “And the voters on both side say NO TOLLS. Make sure we all take names of everyone who vote again to pick our empty pockets.”
Chris Baricko: “Road Island tried the same thing and the FMCA took them to court and won so if Lamont thinks this is going to stick good luck.”
Bill DeRosa: “Sneaky crap. The storyline into the future: Build infrastructure for tolls. Start charging trucks only. In a few years say they aren’t raising enough taxes. Implement tolls for all. End of story. NO TOLLS means NO TOLLS for anyone. Are you listening yet, Mr Lamont?”
Kim Watkins: “Its a trap just to get them up and going. Then within a short time they’ll ne back to charging everyone. Don’t fall for it.”
Julie Lynn: “I heard Rhode Island case , so far, was really just at arguing which court was the right court to hear it. Last March Fed Court said they weren’t the right court for it. In Dec the Fed Court of Appeals said It is a Fed court case.. And should be heard in Federal Court. I don’t think the actual trial has begun at all..”
Thomasjames Ferro: “The trucks Will be just the beginning and car’s will follow. No tolls.”
Tony Bunosso: “Trucks today, cars tomorrow… SMH”
Valerie Marini: “NO TOLLS.”