Valley Indy Social Media Takeover: BHcare Runs The Show On Saturday

BHcare is scheduled to take over The Valley Indy’s Facebook page this Saturday (March 13)!

The URL is:

Once a month The Valley Indy offers a nonprofit group offering services locally to take over” the Indy’s 16,000-person strong Facebook page.

It’s intended as a way to promote agencies that do so much good for the Naugatuck Valley region.

In October, The Valley United Way used its takeover to promote Harvest House,” an effort to get food to families in need.

In February, Massaro Community Farm used its takeover to explain its mission and promote its events. The farm’s eight posts reached some 25,000 people.

Now it’s BHcare’s turn to take over!

BHcare is a certified community behavioral health clinic, with offices in Ansonia. 

We offer a comprehensive and integrated system of care, with wrap-around” services for adults, children and families struggling with mental health, substance use, domestic violence, and other health-risk behaviors,” said Danielle Morfi, a development coordinator with BHcare.

The BHcare family of programs includes: BHcare Valley and Shoreline Clinics, The Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Services (UCDVS), Parent Child Resource Center (PCRC), Hope Family Justice Center, and Alliance for Prevention and Wellness (APW).

Our Valley Indy Facebook Takeover’ will highlight our services and our first-ever virtual fundraiser for our domestic violence programs: The Umbrella Center for Domestic Violence Services and the Hope Family Justice Center,” Morfi said. 

Check out The Valley Indy Facebook page on Saturday.

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