Why I’m Running For The Derby Board Of Aldermen

One reason I am running for office again is because I like the way this administration operates. It’s much easier to serve and make good decisions when the local government is transparent and accessible. 

Mayor Staffieri has made sure that discussions are open to all and matters aren’t decided in backroom deals.

We’ve considered starting citizen Ward meetings, for even greater transparency, but we’ve found it very hard, over the years, to get the public to come out. For many years, I’ve served on the Tax Board and the Board of Aldermen, as well as some smaller commissions, and I just don’t see the people.

When Tony Szewczyk was on the Board of Aldermen, and was the chairman of the Community Relations sub-committee, he often complained of not being able to get people to attend. He even started calling around to try to drum up business”.

I encourage our Derby citizens to take an interest in our local government and come out to a meeting once in awhile. And bring your children too. Cohesive, civic-minded communities aren’t born – they are built by their townspeople. 

Get to know your local officials – they shape your community!

The writer is a Republican running for re-election as First Ward Alderman.

Editor’s note: The Valley Indy welcomes guest columns’ from those running for local office. We take each submission on a case-by-case basis. We’ll print up to two a month per candidate. We ask that the columns offer positions and solutions, as opposed to simply criticizing an opponent. We insist on a 500-word limit. If a political opponent takes issue with a guest column, responses are encouraged in our comment section. We encourage candidates to register with Facebook with your first and last name to post a response here. We will not post your responses for you.

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