Valley Businesswomen Get Grants

Michele Gandy likes the saying Give a man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.”

Only her version involves women. And yarn. 

Gandy, the owner of Michele’s Alterations and Design in Ansonia, plans to offer affordable craft lessons to teach Valley residents how to sew, knit, crochet and make jewelry. 

She hopes the skills will turn into profitable businesses for her students.

I can just give you something,” Gandy said. But if I teach you a skill, you can make it yourself, and make more and more.”

The program, which Gandy expects to launch in late January, is being funded by a $1,250 grant from the Women In Networking Group, a subgroup of the Valley Chamber of Commerce. 

Gandy was one of four Valley women to receive grants, which will be handed out at a reception Tuesday (Dec. 8) afternoon. 

The money will help Gandy pay for fabric, yarn and other supplies, and help pay for electricity costs at the facility where she’ll host the weekly classes. She hopes to have artisans donate time teaching people the crafts and plans to charge a minimal fee to cover the rest of the costs.

Photo: Jodie Mozdzer

Photo: Jodie Mozdzer

MIchele Gandy at work in her studio recently.

, Gandy said she wants to rent a local storefront to sell local hand-made items in.

I want to help empower people,” Gandy said. This is a time in my life where I want to do things purposefully.”

The Program

The WIN Group started as a women’s networking group in 2002, and shortly after began handing out small grants to local businesswomen.

The program is open to women 18 or older in Ansonia, Beacon Falls, Derby, Oxford, Seymour and Shelton.

The grant can be used for expenses to enhance the applicant’s current business or to start a new business. These expenses may include: equipment, tuition, books, transportation, business wardrobe or childcare necessary to reach the applicant’s career goals.

Recipients are also given a one-year membership to the WIN Group. 

The program started with a $500 grant to help a massage therapist purchase a credit card machine for her business, said Nancie Gray, the vice-president of marketing for the Valley Chamber of Commerce. 

Gray said the program was unique, and drew a lot of attention. 

We were inundated with applications,” Gray said of the first grant offering. We had phone calls from all over the state that first year.”

Since then, the WIN Group has given out $10,000, including $4,000 this year to four recipients. The group hosts a wine tasting event to raise the money, and has even started a fund with the Valley Community Foundation to continue doling out grants well into the future.

It’s incredible, because you have those times when a business just needs a little helping hand to move forward,” Gray said. For some, maybe that little jump helps with the creation of new jobs.”

And, Gray said, since many businesses give back through donations to schools and non-profits, helping businesses grow has a bigger impact on the community. 

All of this goes hand in hand,” Gray said. 

The 2009 Recipients

On Tuesday, three other local women will receive grants from the WIN Group. 

Deanne Collins, owner of JD Designs LLC in Oxford will receive $750 to help increase online marketing for the customized jewelry line. 

Tami Bogart, owner of The Learning Connection in Shelton, will receive $1,000 to pay for continuing education for staff at her childcare center. 

And Jacqueline Yannes of Explorers Learning Center in Seymour, will receive $1,000 to purchase outdoor learning materials for the childcare center.

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