Edward Adamowski | Guest Column | Oct 27, 2015 12:52 pm
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Ansonia’s next Mayor needs to have a unique set of skills like leading a team through challenging situations and managing the city’s finances.
My experience on Ansonia’s Board of Aldermen specifically my two terms serving on the board’s finance committee gives me the tools needed to have a well-rounded grasp of the city’s budget.
Knowing the ins and outs of the city budget is going to be key to finding cost savings throughout the budget.
Ansonia’s two candidates for mayor, David Cassetti and Edward Adamowski, were interviewed together Monday on “Valley Navel Gazing,” a weekly talk show on WNHH-LP FM.
During a discussion with Valley Indy reporter Ethan Fry, the two candidates made their pitch for votes in the Nov. 3 municipal elections.
Ethan 193 Fry | Oct 21, 2015 10:56 am
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First Ward Ansonia Alderman and mayoral candidate Edward Adamowksi more than doubled Mayor David Cassetti’s fundraising haul in the past three months, according to disclosure forms filed at City Hall.
Adamowski also had more than 10 times Cassetti’s cash on hand heading into the last month of the campaign, though the mayor said he’s raised thousands in the weeks since the last filing deadline.
Adamowski says the numbers demonstrate a wide support base as he tries to unseat Cassetti, the first Republican to sit in the mayor’s chair this century.
Ed Adamowski | GUEST COLUMN | Oct 15, 2015 10:53 am
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In his last state of the city address Mayor Cassetti announced a new tenant had been secured for the Healey Ford property.
He said “There is a signed agreement between a company and the owners of the Healey Ford property. You will see site renovations and changes to that property in the very near future.” ‑Valley Independent Sentinel 10/10/14.
Frank DeLibero | Guest Column | Oct 7, 2015 3:08 pm
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Mayor Dave Cassetti has a long-term plan to care for Ansonia’s roads. I was sworn in as alderman of Ansonia’s Seventh Ward this past June. However, it did not take me long to realize how much the Mayor and his team care about rebuilding and revitalizing the City’s aging roads and infrastructure. I am proud to be part of this effort and excited to share the details with my constituents.
The two candidates for Ansonia mayor have accepted invitations to dissect city issues live Oct. 26 on “Valley Navel Gazing,” the Valley Indy’s weekly talk show.
The 52-minute audio broadcast will stream live on and will then be posted as a podcast and be made available on iTunes.
In addition, the discussion will be carried live on WNHH-LP, 103.5 FM in New Haven.
Press Release | Oct 6, 2015 2:06 pm
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Alderman Edward Adamowski’s campaign for mayor sent the following press release Tuesday (Oct. 6)
The Connecticut American Federation of Teachers backs Ed Adamowski for Mayor of Ansonia.
AFT Connecticut represents over 30,000 workers in the public and private sectors. Their membership includes teachers, education paraprofessionals and other school related personnel, state employees, health care workers, and higher education faculty and staff.
“I’m thrilled to have received the support of AFT,” Adamowski said in a prepared statement.
Sal Hanaif | GUEST COLUMN | Oct 5, 2015 11:28 am
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We are one month away from Election Day in Ansonia. As prospective leaders of our community we need to have substantive plans and goals in place for how we intend to make improvements to our community.
We need to have a one-year plan, a three-year plan and a five-year plan as well as clear and specific guidelines on how we intend to achieve these goals.