Frankenstorm Cheat Sheet: Phone Numbers, Websites, Info

The following is a list of phone numbers and links that could be helpful during Sandy, a massive storm expected to have a serious impact on the state Monday and beyond.

A stripped-down version of the list is embedded at the bottom of this article. Click the title above the document and then print it if you want to keep it handy in the event of a (very probable) power failure.

Please note we didn’t print the phone number for every fire house in the area. We tended to stick with the contacts that were being distributed by the towns Friday and Saturday.

If you’re a public official or OEM member who wants a contact listed here, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

The Valley Indy Facebook page will also be a good resource to reference during the storm, as neighbors share weather conditions and observations with each other.

Info can also be obtained by calling 211.

Click here to read storm info from the state.


Any evacuations notices will be distributed on the local level. Ansonia, Oxford and Seymour use the Code Red notification system. Click here for a previous story on how to register for the service.

Derby and Shelton will use reverse 911 calls to get information out to residents.

Click here to access a list of Hurricane Sandy resources available on Twitter.

The Utilities

To report a power outage to CL&P (Seymour and Oxford): 800 – 286-2000
Or click here
CL&P Outage List

To report an outage to United Illuminating (Ansonia, Derby and Shelton): 1 – 800-7-CALL-UI, aka 1 – 800-722‑5584
UI Outage List


Police, non-emergency: 203 – 735-1885

Ansonia storm info.

Emergency Shelter, if needed: Ansonia High School, 20 Pulaski Highway.

Pet Shelter: Mead School, 75 Ford Street.
Residents will be required to provide food and a kennel for their pets while at the shelter.

In addition, the location of the pet shelter — if needed — was changed to the Predergast School at 59 Finney St.***

More info on Ansonia storm preparation

Click here to monitor the level of the Naugatuck River above Beacon Falls.


Police, non-emergency: (203) 735‑7811

Emergency shelter, if need arises: Derby Middle School, 10 Nutmeg Ave.

Derby Office of Emergency Management on Facebook.

Derby Office of Emergency Management on Twitter.

Emergency operations center is the basement level of Derby City Hall at 1 Elizabeth St.

More info on Derby storm preparation.

To check the level of the Housatonic River at Stevenson Dam.

Saturday statement from FirstLight Power (Stevenson Dam owner) 


Emergency shelter, if the need arises: Oxford High School, 61 Quaker Farms Road

Water will be made available at all three town fire houses:
Oxford Center Company, 484 Oxford Road ON FACEBOOK

Quaker Farms Fire Company, 403 Quaker Farms Road
Riverside Fire Company, 151 Coppermine Road

The general number for the fire department is (203) 888‑9090.

In a Code Red message Friday, First Selectman George Temple indicated the town’s public works garage at 21 Great Oak Road will be used as a command center.

Temple also gave out his cell phone number for residents with concerns or questions — 203 – 906-0348.

Saturday statement from FirstLight Power (Stevenson Dam owner)

To check the level of the Housatonic River at Stevenson Dam.

More info on Oxford’s storm preparation.


Seymour police, non-emergency: 203 – 881-7600

Emergency shelter, if needed: Seymour Middle School, 211 Mountain Road

The town’s emergency operations center will be at the Great Hill Hose Company, 140 Botsford Road

In a Code Red message Saturday, First Selectman Kurt Miller said the fire department will not be available to pump out flooded basements until weather conditions are safe. Residents shouldn’t call 911 about flooded basements until they experience four inches of water in their basements.

The town’s emergency management team will be meeting again 3 p.m. Sunday to talk about the storm.

In a Code Red message Sunday morning, Miller also left his office phone as a contact number — 203 888 2511.

Saturday statement from FirstLight Power (Stevenson Dam owner)

To check the level of the Housatonic River at Stevenson Dam.

Click here to monitor the level of the Naugatuck River above Beacon Falls.

Seymour Office of Emergency Management on Twitter

Seymour Office of Emergency Management on Facebook

Office of the First Selectman on Facebook

Office of the First Selectman on Twitter


Click here for a previous story on Shelton storm preparations.

Several options for emergency shelters, depending on the conditions. Residents will be notified through reverse 911, press releases and social media.

To check the level of the Housatonic River at Stevenson Dam.

Shelton OEM website.

Non-emergency numbers

Shelton Police Dept

Shelton EMS

Echo Hose Co#1
On Facebook
On Twitter

Pine Rock CO#4
On Facebook
On Twitter
Letter to residents

Huntington CO#3

White Hills CO#5

Important Phone Numbers

We’re starting a newsletter. Click here to sign up!