Storm-Related Numbers To Put In Your Cell, Links To Bookmark

The following is a list of phone numbers and links that could be helpful during the blizzard expected to have a serious impact on the state Friday and beyond.

If you’re a public official or OEM member who wants a contact listed here, .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).

Info can also be obtained by calling 211.


Important notices will be distributed on the local level. Ansonia, Oxford, Seymour and Shelton use the Code Red notification system. Click here for a previous story on how to register for the service.

Derby uses reverse 911 calls to get information out to residents.

The Utilities

To report a power outage to CL&P (Seymour and Oxford): 800-286-2000
Or click here
CL&P Outage List

To report an outage to United Illuminating (Ansonia, Derby and Shelton): 1-800-7-CALL-UI, aka 1-800-722-5584
UI Outage List


Police, non-emergency: 203-735-1885

Ansonia Public Works: 203-736-5945

Ansonia Police on Twitter.

City of Ansonia Facebook page.

Ansonia 6th Ward Alderman Pat Henri: 203-734-1851

The city announced Sunday that schools and public buildings will be closed Monday (Jan. 26) and Tuesday (Jan. 27).

In addition, there is a city-wide street parking ban from 8 a.m. Jan. 26 to noon Jan. 28.

All city and school parking lots will be open for the storm, the city announced. The announcement asked residents to stay off the roads so public works crews can keep them clear.


Police, non-emergency: 203-735-7811

Derby Public Works: 203-736-1468

Derby Office of Emergency Management on Facebook.

Derby Office of Emergency Management on Twitter.

Derby Mayor Anita Dugatto issued a statement Sunday saying city officials were prepping for the storm.

Dugatto’s message said parking is available for residents in the municipal lot off Hallock’s Court.


Quaker Farms Fire Company, 403 Quaker Farms Road
Riverside Fire Company, 151 Coppermine Road

The general number for the fire department is 203-888-9090.

Oxford Public Works: 203-888-7716

First Selectman George Temple’s cell phone number is 203-906-0348.


Seymour police, non-emergency: 203-881-7600

Seymour fire department, non-emergency: 203-888-1909.

Seymour Public Works: 203-735-6028

Seymour First Selectman Kurt Miller said on Facebook Monday afternoon that town buildings would close at 3 p.m., and anticipated town offices would probably not be opening Tuesday (Jan. 27). Seymour schools will be closed Tuesday.

“I will provide as much information as I can through out the next few days,” Miller wrote.

Seymour Office of Emergency Management on Twitter

Seymour Office of Emergency Management on Facebook

Office of the First Selectman on Facebook

Office of the First Selectman on Twitter


In Shelton, police announced that Mayor Mark Lauretti has declared a snow emergency, meaning on-street parking is banned.

The snow emergency will be in effect “until further notice,” police said.

The city’s website also announced that City Hall, the Plumb Library, Huntington Branch Library, Registrar of Voters office, Community Center, and Senior Center would close at 5 p.m. Monday (Jan. 26) and stay closed through Tuesday (Jan. 27).

Shelton Police Facebook page.

Shelton Police Twitter page.

City of Shelton website.

Shelton OEM website.

Non-emergency numbers


Shelton Police Dept

Shelton EMS

Shelton Public Works — Highways and Bridges

Echo Hose Co #1
On Facebook
On Twitter

Pine Rock Co. #4
On Facebook
On Twitter

Huntington Co. #3
On Facebook.

White Hills Co. #5
On Twitter.

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