Valley Podcast: Stink Bugs And Live Election Phone Calls

Stink bugs and municipal elections go together like … OK they don’t go together at all, but that didn’t stop Eugene Driscoll from pairing them Nov. 2 on Valley Navel Gazing.”

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Topics included the (not so) great Connecticut stink bug invasion, with an interview with Mary Conklin of the University of Connecticut.

Then Driscoll opened the phone line to get a pulse of the public in advance of the Nov. 3 election.

Chris Bailey of Shelton called in, along with Lorie Vacarro and Ken Plavnicky of Ansonia.

Oh, and Driscoll nervously crowbarred in references to Bone Tomahawk,” Gamera,” Aliens,” Ted,” and Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley’s Island of Dr. Moreau.”

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