UPDATE: Housatonic And Nagatuck River Conditions

by | Aug 30, 2011 11:39 am | Comments (0)

CT NATIONAL GUARDNOTE: The information posted on the U.S. Geological Survey website, the basis of which was used for this article, changed between Tuesday morning and Tuesday night. The article was revised to reflect the new data.

The Housatonic River at the Stevenson Dam crested at 20.94 feet at 8 p.m. Monday, the sixth-highest level ever recorded, according to data from the U.S. Geological Survey.

The Naugatuck River in Beacon Falls Sunday hit its second-highest level ever recorded.

Continue reading ‘UPDATE: Housatonic And Nagatuck River Conditions’

The Derby Senior Center Is Open

by | Aug 30, 2011 9:30 am | Comments (0)

If you know any seniors please let them know that the Derby Senior Center is open. Normally we close when Derby Schools are closed because of weather so many people think we are closed. Also if you know of any elderly person that needs water or food please let us know. We will do what we can to help. 203 736‑1484.

(Posted on the Valley Indy Facebook wall by Mary LaBranche)

Continue reading ‘The Derby Senior Center Is Open’

Roy: Seymour Emergency Responders Stepped Up During Irene

by | Aug 29, 2011 10:56 pm | Comments (0)

The event of Sunday called Hurricane Irene was a challenge to the Emergency Management Team of the Town of Seymour. 

The Police Department, the Fire Department, the Seymour Ambulance Corps and the Public Works Department all played an important role in keeping our community safe during a potentially dangerous situation. 

Continue reading ‘Roy: Seymour Emergency Responders Stepped Up During Irene’

Back To Normal At Seymour’s Callahan House

by | Aug 29, 2011 10:13 pm | Comments (0)

In Seymour, seniors at the Seymour Housing Authority properties lost power along with most of the rest of the town. The power was restored to the properties by 4:15 p.m. Monday.

For a while there, it was a concern, because there are seven seniors on oxygen and several need their insulin to be chilled in a refrigerator, according to David Keyser, the housing authority director.

Continue reading ‘Back To Normal At Seymour’s Callahan House’